Another great movie of Harry Potter series. Man! What can I say about these movie series? They're.........superawesome. You've got to see this really do.
Grade: A
An amazing movie with a lot of witchy, wicked, and fun moments. Gets horrorful, suspenseful, and is just so cool. I'll recommend this to everybody I will see in future.
Grade: A

It earned its grade because it had a very good drawing style with a good story line, but it was a bit short.
Grade: B
It was really long for no reason! Angelina Jolie did an amazing job playing the part of Mrs. Christine and her story really moved me. This movie was also an eye-opener for me because it exposed the LAPP for the corrupt department they are. It shocked me that this went on in America and people were aware about this and let it happen. But justice prevailed in the end so that was good.
Grade: C
This book earned a B because it was an okay book. It was a difficult read and I didn’t really enjoy the story that much. Nhamo, the main character, went through a lot and she suffered and that touched me. This book was educational though because it educated me about Zimbabwe Culture.
Grade: B
This movie really touched me because it revealed the suffering of the Jewish people under the hands of the Nazis and I was horrified by the brutal treatment the Jews received and the harsh conditions they had to endure. It made me cry and I was touched by Oscar Schindler’s generosity.
Grade: A

I really enjoyed this novel! It was an easy read and the characters were interesting. I would definitely recommend it to others.
Grade: A
This book definitely earned an A! I was like WOW because I thought it was going to be boring but it was actually pretty interesting. The whole concept of zombie fighting was pretty gross and cool at the same time!
Grade: A
Her story really touched me because she was so alone at first until her foster parent embraced her and showed her she could be free and love someone for the first time. I was really glad it all worked out for her in the end.
Grade: A
This book was really fun because I got a taste of how wealthy teenagers live in the city and I enjoyed the romantic aspect of the novel also. Great book!
Grade: A
It earned this grade because it shows us wonderful tricks to perform. It also tells us what to say. I do recommend it to people who want to be a magician! But not for people who want to know the secrets! Magicians only!
Grade: A
It earned this grade because it amazed me! I preformed a trick and it worked! I would recommend to amateur magicians. But I wouldn’t recommend this book to people who just want to learn the secret! It’s for magician's eyes!
Grade: A
This was simply outrageous! That’s how it earned this grade! You have to watch it! I absolutely recommend it! This is a movie that everyone in the family will enjoy.
Grade: A
I don’t think it’s a very popular event in Old Bridge, but my friend’s dancing school was participating in the Iselin Fair, so she invited me to come. It was a very “normal” fair. Stereotypical food choices, the typical rides (with the exclusion of the drop tower, which they neglected to include this year.) The dancing, singing, and overall entertainment was very good, though. I can’t say I had a bad experience, but it’s not on my list of awesomeness.
Grade: C
I’ve been listening to Green Day as long as I can remember, and with every new album, comes something completely new. In “21st Century,” the alternative/punk group divides the CD into “acts,” something that no group has tried before. The first song of the album, “Song of the Century,” sounds like a radio broadcast, which is a theme on the album in songs like “East Jesus Nowhere” and “Static Age.” And as usual, the songs are well written both lyrically and musically. Definitely something worth listening to.
Grade: A
If you shop at Hot Topic, the employees have probably asked you to check at least once. And if not, I am. On this website, you can make a profile (not like Myspace or Facebook) that talks exclusively about music. What bands, genres, and albums you like or don’t like. My favorite part of ShockHound are the free (!!!) music downloads. The downloads are usually for unknown, less popular bands, but they do make good music. PLUS, it’s free!
Grade: B