Some GREAT stuff, but some really out-there stuff, too...B+ material.
Grade: B
Good, a little amateur but thoroughly enjoyable.
Grade: B
Great stories for a great character - classic scenes, though the art lacked a certain sophisticated feel.
Grade: A
An awesome website. Tells you everything you need to know about everything on earth you can find. Just the right website for everyone to know everything. That's how it earned an A. Every body should go on it and check it out at least once.
Grade: A

An awesome a show. There is no such thing that they don't tell you how to make. Recommended to everyone who is curious to know about how different kind of stuff is made on Earth.
Grade: A
A very good book for beginners, intermediates, and experts. Gives you information on everything you need to know for any any kind of photography. I definitely recommend this book to the people who like photography and want to learn photography.
Grade: A
Nice show. Who doesn't like it? Has Spongebob, too fun, and Patrick, too funny. I've been watching it since 2007. I !strongly! recommend it.
Grade: A
This book is okay. I like the idea of the trusting friends and stuff and games.
Grade: B
This movie is cool and original. It changes the complete concept of a super hero. I recommend it.
Grade: A
This book is awesome. It is funny, cool, scary and lots more. It is very entertaining and will keep you at the edge of your seat.
Grade: A